kodi will not play on Mitsu WS-65517 Projection TV

Kodi 17.3 will not play on my Mitsubishi WS-65517 Projection TV. This is loaded onto firestick 2nd gen unit. Now, the original encoded software, video, add-on's and embeds work just fine. Hulu, Netflix, Movies and all else that came preloaded. I've dou...

how to update library?

This should be so simple that I feel silly for asking but here goes: once I've added new files to my network share, how do I manually trigger a library update?

Can I add a preamp of some kind.

I use Kodi and Raspberry Pi2 for music player exclusively. Works flawlessly. However, volume is too low on both Pis I use with stereos in different rooms. If I boost the rating up from 85db the sound becomes distorted. Now, I don't mind playing my ...

Youtube addon axed?

I guess this is one of the addons that bit the dust when the copyright problems started, eh. It has not worked anymore for me.

Overlay during video playback

Is there a way to have an image overlay during video playback? Besides the one used for the player controls? I'd like to create a scanlines or CRT-mask overlay that displays on top of video while it is playing for older TV shows. Thanks in advance.