Kodi 17.3 in 64 Bit not 32 Bit
Every time I look for Kodi 17.3, all I can find is Kodi for 32 Bit and not 64 Bit. Where is the 64 Bit version?
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Every time I look for Kodi 17.3, all I can find is Kodi for 32 Bit and not 64 Bit. Where is the 64 Bit version?
Hi guys, That might sound stupid to you but that error message got me stuck 'impossible to get folder infos. Network might not be connected'. Do you know how to solve it? Thanks.
Hi guys, I've tried to search the whole forum to answer my question but I'm still answer less. I'm beginner at kodi. So, I'm using kodi with simple pvr to get channels via my iptv provider, who provided me a link and not a m3u file (I can't edit the...
Hi, After the security issues mentioned at the kodi site I've updated my old mac mini 2.3 from Openelec with Kodi 16 to Libreelec with Kodi 17.3. The only issue I'm having is that my harmony 525 remote is not responding to the mac ir, this was working...
Error EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : ---> Python callback/script returned to the following error <---
Free World Iptv Updated (06-13-2017) no cut, no buff 100% working, Play on Smart TV, PC/vlc
http://ksportiptv.com:1557/get.php?username=Muhamed&password=Asllani&type=m3u http://ksportiptv.com:1557/get.php?username=Musli&password=Krasniqi&type=m3u http://ksportiptv.com:1557/get.php?username=Sergio&password=Sergio&type=m3u http://iptv.bighd.us:1557/get.php?username=Sergio&password=Sergio&type=m3u http://p.tone.kim/get.php?username=LUCAS&password=LUCAS&type=m3u http://clientportalpro.com:2500/get.php?username=mzjzVNBarl&password=nHnN8HHJFd&type=m3u http://v1.dreamco.info:7002/get.php?username=zeeshan&password=zeeshan&type=m3u http://tvnet.iptvsur.com:25461/get.php?username=demotvnet&password=123458&type=m3u
super (9) m3u list for all worled premium channels 14/6/2017 up-4ever.com/d/2KhK up-4ever.com/d/2KhL up-4ever.com/d/2KhM up-4ever.com/d/2KhN...
* Sky Sport * ORF * National Geo * Sky Fox * RTL * SKY CINEMA
When I used SPMC, I had the ability to set "System" as the screensaver. This would allow me to have the daydream app on the Shield activate after some inactivity. With the official Kodi 17.3 build, I don't have an option to set "system" as the screen...
looking to write my first addon with alot of youtube likns and just a few live stream links but i have no clue how lol would anyone love to help me out ? thx
Hi, For the last few weeks I've been having issues with my installation. After waking up the machine, performing any video playback (addons, live tv, local media) results in a black screen, but audio is still there. However, when a GUI element is visib...
#EXTM3U#EXTINF:-1,IT | Sky Unohttp://v1.dreamco.info:7002/live/zeeshan/zeeshan/1102.ts#EXTINF:-1,IT | Sky Cinema 1http://v1.dreamco.info:7002/live/zeeshan/zeeshan/1175.ts#EXTINF:-1,IT | Sky Cinema Comedyhttp://v1.dreamco.info:7002/live/zeeshan/zeeshan/...
#EXTM3U#EXTINF:-1,IT | Sky Unohttp://v1.dreamco.info:7002/live/zeeshan/zeeshan/1102.ts#EXTINF:-1,IT | Sky Cinema 1http://v1.dreamco.info:7002/live/zeeshan/zeeshan/1175.ts#EXTINF:-1,IT | Sky Cinema Comedyhttp://v1.dreamco.info:7002/live/zeeshan/zeeshan/...