vdr development speeding up recently – how to catch up

Seems like vdr development is gaining momentum. New releases are coming in quickly and latest release is already at 2.3.7. I am wondering if it is safe to update vdr with every new release or if there are dependencies that would require adaption in vn...

Iptv Server Germany Playlist File m3u 13-06-2017

#EXTM3U#EXTINF:-1,DE- Ard 1http://gigasip.dyndns.tv:3838/live/technocomskype/redmosdns/368.ts#EXTINF:-1,DE: VOX HDhttp://gigasip.dyndns.tv:3838/live/technocomskype/redmosdns/365.ts#EXTINF:-1,DE: KABEL 1http://gigasip.dyndns.tv:3838/live/technocomskype/...

Iptv Server Germany Playlist File m3u 13-06-2017

#EXTM3U#EXTINF:-1,DE- Ard 1http://gigasip.dyndns.tv:3838/live/technocomskype/redmosdns/368.ts#EXTINF:-1,DE: VOX HDhttp://gigasip.dyndns.tv:3838/live/technocomskype/redmosdns/365.ts#EXTINF:-1,DE: KABEL 1http://gigasip.dyndns.tv:3838/live/technocomskype/...

Series overview missing in Recently Added Episodes

Hi Gade Sorry for another pestering request. In the Recently Added Episodes list, using List Info 3 view, the box on the bottom left where the series overview usually appears contains simply "No overview found." If I go into a specific TV series fro...

Chinese video Addon

Hi, I need help, i can not read Chinese. I want to know where and how can i find these video addon. THANKS YOU for your help.

LIVE TV Deinterlace issue on iOS

Stream live tv from my Dreambox800se to my idevices(iphone 6s/ipad mini 2/ipad air 2), ios versions including 10.2(jailbroken) and 10.3.1(unjailbroken). The same issue happen on all my idevices. No matter the streaming is SD or HD, I have to turn the ...

Daily m3u playlist 14 June 2017 (New)


What in FRAK is banned?

I just posted a problem about not being able to remove shows from my favorites and minutes later my posting is removed saying it was in violation. It stated I had two add-on violations and no support is given. Does that mean the removing shows from fav...

No eac3 (DD+) audio in 17.3 Stable Kodi

Hi: First post, and newbie so be gentle. I think this is where I should post for a suspected bug. I am running 17.3 stable release and noticed my old MKV's of HD-DVD videos no longer have audio (eac3 Dolby Digital Plus). I tested the files with a 15....

how to remove Metalliq

I bought a box and have an issue. I posted a screenshot, which I was told I have "Metalliq" a banned app. How do I remove it? I looked in add-ons and don't see it. I feel disappointed with the person that sold me unit for adding a banned addon.

Context menu not allowing me to scroll

[align=right] I can only scroll between Queue Item and Browse Series, using remote. If I use a mouse to next item down then I can scroll downward from there. 20170613_102001 by LouisMales, on Flickr