Iptv m3u

Attachment 7147 (http://forum.cstalking.com/attachments/ 7147-50a0ca96693e9de77d8c1c01955761b5.jpg) Attachment 7148...


Search for movies with Dolby Atmos, DTS-HD, 1080p, 2160p and so on

help been trying for 2 days

I deleted kodi been trying to install but it keeps wanting to install exodus 3.1.5 then it says I can't so nothing works/ how do I get pass this help please

BD and UHD BD Menu support

I'll honk that horn once again since we are not in the UHD BD times. DVDFab Media Player is a KODI fork which uses LibBluray - the same as KODI uses - and it can play BD-J menus and even UHD BD menus no problem. The sad part is it doesn't support HD...

Kodi Leia Testing

Didn't see a thread for this so forgive if there is one. Please feel free to add. Loaded the new 64 this am for Kodi 18 'Leia' Titan Beta and everything seems pretty fluid so far. Only problems I've occurred so far is settings for apps seems to not ...

Unable to connect

I have Kodi 17,3 installed on my Firestick. When I attempt to add a source I am getting the following "Unable to Connect" "Couldn't retrieve directory information. This could be due to the network not being connected. Would you like to add anyway ?"...

Unable to download Kodi

Hi, I'm tryning to download Kodi 17.3 for Rpi, but I don't know how... Why ? When I clic on How-to, the windows change and the message "Download started We hope you enjoy your shiny new copy of Kodi as much as we enjoyed making it!" appears but ...