PCM audio passthru on Linux

On the windows client, with passthru set up, on my amp, i can see the name of the stream, Dolby or DTS HD, etc. Under Linux i with passthru setup and Linux Mint 18.1 audio out set to HDMI 7.1, the amp always stays on PCM. i do seem to be getting the co...

Free m3u playlist 13-6-2017 {New m3u}

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VPN Option

I am running Kodi on a Win10 machine. I have set up the Win10 machine to use a VPN for all Internet access which I would think should be adequate for the Kodi app. Do I also have to configure Kodi for VPN since I have the computer all ready set up to...


#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1, BBC Entertainment #EXTINF:-1, Localvisão TV HD #EXTINF:-1, TVEi #EXTINF:-1, Biggs #EXTINF:-1, RTP 1 HD #EXTINF:-1, MCS Extreme #EXTINF:-1, Canção Nova #EXTINF:-1, SIC Radical HD #EXTINF:-1, RTP 2 #EXTINF:-1, TVI #EXTINF:-1, RTP 3 #EXTINF:-1, Canal Panda #EXTINF:-1, Más Chic #EXTINF:-1, Disney… Read More »

Background Images from NAS blurry???

Just started using this skin yesterday and so far love the look and the ability to customize. Which leads me to my question. For my movies and TV shows I have the device pulling from my NAS for the background image. Looks great. For weather and some of...

Unable to create GUI error

I've been getting an error saying unable to create gui whenever I try to launch Kodi, I've tried updating the graphics driver but this didn't work, is there anything else I could try?

Kodi 17.3 crashes on Add-on install

Hello, I am running a portable version of Kodi 17.3 on my Windows 10 devices (from USB drive). It is a fresh install and the only thing I have tried to install is the Confluence skin. However when I attempt the install, Kodi crashes. Here is a link...

seting up bead time tv

Hi first time poster hear I have a odroid xu4 ubuntu mate runing kodi 16.1. How do I get it to go to sleap/scren saver/mute/desplay off or any type of timer ween in full scren.

Kodi 17.3 on Windows 8.1

Hi, can anyone help. I have used and updated Kodi before with no issues but now I've gone to Kodi 17.3 i have no sound for anything and cant figure out why? I'm running on Windows 8.1 with Intel Processor and Realtek speakers.

Audio Stream

Hi Guys, Can anyone tell me why my audio stream has changed from English to Persian, but I cannot change audio stream back as it now greyed out? sorry as I am a new Kodi user Anna

[split] Kodi is genaric

Merci Atreyu pour votre suggestion. J'ai lu les bases de Kodi. Sur mon ordinateur sous Windows 10 tout est parfait. En effet dans Paramètres / Média > Médiathèque > je clique sur Musique... Dans la fenêtre qui s'ouvre : Musique / Fichiers, je clique que Ma Musique. Nouvelle fenêtre : Musque / Ma Musique j'ai le choix entre tous les Genres que j'ai dans ma base de donnée (Ambiance, Ballets etc.) et en cliquant sur l'un des Genres (Ambiance par exemple) j'obtiens tous les albums que j'ai enregistré dans ce Genre.

C'est exactement ce que je souhaite retrouver dans Kodi sur ma télévison Samsug.
Malheureusement, ce n'est pas le cas.

Sur ma tv, après avoir cliquer successivement sur Kodi > sur "Music Library" > sur "Genres" > sur "Ambiance" j'ai la liste de TOUS les artistes répertoriés dans ce genre de musique et non mes Albums !

Je ne sais vraiment pas quoi faire pour obtenir satisfaction, cela fait plusieurs jours que je cherche une solution... en vain.