Missed Audio Passthrough

Hello everybody, on my Minix U1 I've missed Audio Passthrough options. Could be that I've deleted some system addon's ? I can confirm that: Sync Playback to Display is disabled Other apps (i.e. MX Player) outputs correct streams to my AVR I guess I...

Banner Wall Modification?

Hi, I was just wondering how I would go about modifying the banners to display three banners wide rather than two in Estuary (TV Show section), or any other skin for that matter. Is there an addon or a mod that I haven't come across yet that lets you d...

[split] Kodi is genaric

J'ai installé KODI Kription v17.3 sous Windows 10 sur mon ordinateur de bureau et j'obtiens ce que je désire comme arborescence, à savoir : Genre du musique, puis, dans le Genre, les Albums classés par Artistes et enfin les pistes de chaque album.
Je n'arive pas à retrouver cette arborescence sur ma télévision Samsung. Après avoir sélectionné AllShare, puis Musique je sélection KODI.
Dans Kodi je sélectionne Genre. Malheureusement, j'arrive sur tous les artistes (tous les albums mélangés) alors que je vousdrais avoir les Albums puis les pistes de chaque album.
Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il-vous-plaît et me dire ce qu'il conviendrait que je fasse pour retrouver, sur mon téléviseur, la même arborescence que celle de mon ordinateur et qui me convient parfaitement. D'avance je vous remercie pour votre aide.

[split] Kodi is genaric

J'ai installé KODI Kription v17.3 sous Windows 10 sur mon ordinateur de bureau et j'obtiens ce que je désire comme arborescence, à savoir : Genre du musique, puis, dans le Genre, les Albums classés par Artistes et enfin les pistes de chaque album.
Je n'arive pas à retrouver cette arborescence sur ma télévision Samsung. Après avoir sélectionné AllShare, puis Musique je sélection KODI.
Dans Kodi je sélectionne Genre. Malheureusement, j'arrive sur tous les artistes (tous les albums mélangés) alors que je vousdrais avoir les Albums puis les pistes de chaque album.
Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il-vous-plaît et me dire ce qu'il conviendrait que je fasse pour retrouver, sur mon téléviseur, la même arborescence que celle de mon ordinateur et qui me convient parfaitement. D'avance je vous remercie pour votre aide.

Security Issue with Old Version

Hi A bit nervous about posting this as the only other relevant post I cd find was consigned to garbage and I'm not quite sure why.... I have Helix Version 14.2, so pretty ancient but it works fine for me accessing my NAS drive which is what I want it...

Kodi 18 – Crashing when “Jumping to Time”

All of the latest builds are crashing when trying to skip to a time in movies and shows. (skipping, scrollbar dragging and entering times) The quality of the movie doesn't appear to be a factor. It's happening with local content as well as network con...

Movie Scraper suddenly stopped working

Hey there, I'm using Kodi 17.3 with the latest LibreELEC release (RPi2.arm-8.0.2) on a Raspberry Pi 3. Everything worked fine for the last few months, but all of a sudden I'm not able to scrape newly added movies. Here's an excerpt of my log file: 09...

Scandinavia Germany Turkey UK italy mix iptv

#EXTINF:-1,NOR | NRK 1 http://gigasip.dyndns.tv:3838/live/technocomskype/redmosdns/399.ts #EXTINF:-1,NOR | NRK 2 http://gigasip.dyndns.tv:3838/live/technocomskype/redmosdns/400.ts #EXTINF:-1,NOR | Max HD http://gigasip.dyndns.tv:3838/live/technocomskype/redmosdns/397.ts #EXTINF:-1,NOR | Discovery Investigation http://gigasip.dyndns.tv:3838/live/technocomskype/redmosdns/398.ts #EXTINF:-1,NOR-DK-VFILM PREMIER http://gigasip.dyndns.tv:3838/live/technocomskype/redmosdns/31.ts #EXTINF:-1,NOR-DK-VFILM ACTION http://gigasip.dyndns.tv:3838/live/technocomskype/redmosdns/29.ts #EXTINF:-1,NOR-VFILM COMEDY http://gigasip.dyndns.tv:3838/live/technocomskype/redmosdns/216.ts #EXTINF:-1,NOR-VIASAT FOTBOLL http://gigasip.dyndns.tv:3838/live/technocomskype/redmosdns/19.ts #EXTINF:-1,NOR | TV6 http://gigasip.dyndns.tv:3838/live/technocomskype/redmosdns/390.ts #EXTINF:-1,NOR | TV4 Komedi http://gigasip.dyndns.tv:3838/live/technocomskype/redmosdns/391.ts #EXTINF:-1,NOR | TV4 Fakta http://gigasip.dyndns.tv:3838/live/technocomskype/redmosdns/393.ts #EXTINF:-1,NOR | TV3 Norge http://gigasip.dyndns.tv:3838/live/technocomskype/redmosdns/392.ts #EXTINF:-1,NOR | TV2 ZEBRA… Read More »

Pink Zabava Ex-Yu Albania France PT m3u8

#EXTINF:-1,EXYU: PINK Zabava http://iptv.cline.in/live/star18seven/KDhdjhsdsfhs/1327.ts #EXTINF:-1,EXYU: PINK World http://iptv.cline.in/live/star18seven/KDhdjhsdsfhs/1328.ts #EXTINF:-1,EXYU: PINK Thriler http://iptv.cline.in/live/star18seven/KDhdjhsdsfhs/1330.ts #EXTINF:-1,EXYU: PINK Soap http://iptv.cline.in/live/star18seven/KDhdjhsdsfhs/1347.ts #EXTINF:-1,EXYU: PINK Romance http://iptv.cline.in/live/star18seven/KDhdjhsdsfhs/1331.ts #EXTINF:-1,EXYU: PINK Reality http://iptv.cline.in/live/star18seven/KDhdjhsdsfhs/1332.ts #EXTINF:-1,EXYU: PINK Premium http://iptv.cline.in/live/star18seven/KDhdjhsdsfhs/1348.ts #EXTINF:-1,EXYU: PINK Plus http://iptv.cline.in/live/star18seven/KDhdjhsdsfhs/1333.ts #EXTINF:-1,EXYU: PINK Kids http://iptv.cline.in/live/star18seven/KDhdjhsdsfhs/1334.ts #EXTINF:-1,EXYU: PINK Horor http://iptv.cline.in/live/star18seven/KDhdjhsdsfhs/1335.ts #EXTINF:-1,EXYU: Pink SCI-FI and Fantasy http://iptv.cline.in/live/star18seven/KDhdjhsdsfhs/1336.ts #EXTINF:-1,EXYU: PINK Folk 1 http://iptv.cline.in/live/star18seven/KDhdjhsdsfhs/1337.ts #EXTINF:-1,EXYU: PINK Film http://iptv.cline.in/live/star18seven/KDhdjhsdsfhs/1338.ts… Read More »

Subtitles Missing

Hi, I am observing a very strange behavior with my SRT-subtitles, that subtitles are not found * The issue started about 2 months ago using the nightly builds of Kodi 18 * As I was assuming a temporary issue in the nightlies I moved back to Kodi 17, w...

Rai Sky premium cinema Italy German NL m3u

#EXTINF:-1,IT | RaiPremiumhttp://sutverduz.com:8080/live/mocjuwaa/hPX85ee7c9/1392.ts#EXTINF:-1,IT | Rai2http://sutverduz.com:8080/live/mocjuwaa/hPX85ee7c9/1397.ts#EXTINF:-1,IT | Rai3http://sutverduz.com:8080/live/mocjuwaa/hPX85ee7c9/1396.ts#EXTINF:-1,I...

English Sky UK USA iptv + Romania Spain vlc

#EXTINF:-1,EN: VH1http://iptv.cline.in/live/star18seven/KDhdjhsdsfhs/35.ts#EXTINF:-1,EN: Heart TVhttp://iptv.cline.in/live/star18seven/KDhdjhsdsfhs/198.ts#EXTINF:-1,EN: Capital TVhttp://iptv.cline.in/live/star18seven/KDhdjhsdsfhs/197.ts#EXTINF:-1,EN: U...

France Arabic Albania Ex-Yu cine classic url

#EXTINF:-1,FR | CINE CLASSIChttp://sutverduz.com:8080/live/mocjuwaa/hPX85ee7c9/879.ts#EXTINF:-1,FR | Cine Polarhttp://sutverduz.com:8080/live/mocjuwaa/hPX85ee7c9/878.ts#EXTINF:-1,FR | TF1 HDhttp://sutverduz.com:8080/live/mocjuwaa/hPX85ee7c9/882.ts#EXTI...