Enable an addon using python!

Hi I just need to know how can I enable an addon using python in my own Plugin ? In this case I want enable pvr.iptvsimple binarey addon! I just tried to enable it with changed kodi source code and recompile it! But kodi crashes after compile! So i nee...

Cannot access SMB shares on android TV

Hi guys, I've got a new install of Kodi 17.3 on my android tv but I cannot seem to access my SMB shares. I've tried using the computer name and IP address but it wont connect. The message is always "Connection timed out". The shares are on my Windows ...

Dim Screensaver “Configuration” screen is bad

Howdy. I just built from git, using: Code: git clone git://github.com/xbmc/xbmc.git kodi as found in docs/README.linux The distro is Mageia release 6 (Cauldron) for x86_64 on Asus Z170I PRO GAMING using i5-6500 CPU onboard Skylake Intel HD Graphics ...

Audio delay issues with Amber

Sorry, I'm probably just an idiot and there is an easy fix for this but I can't figure it out. I had been using SPMC/Kodi v16 with the Amber skin and love it. This past week I upgraded to Kodi v17.3 and the new Amber skin. Seems fine to me but when I...

Having trouble configuring Buttons for my Retropie Arcade

Hello! For a class project, I decided to make my own arcade. I have played with Retropie successfully in the past, being able to play SNES, NES, GB, and GBC with a USB SNES controller. Now I have a 2 player setup of Joystick and buttons (Images linked ...

Which Remote Control to get

On the xbox, I used an xbox media remote When I moved to a PC, I moved to a Microsoft XP MCE remote and as it worked perfectly under xbmcbuntu (and kodibuntu), I've kept the same receiver and just replaced the remotes when they failed. The current MC...

Crackler not streaming since early June

Since sometime in early June, and for unknown reasons, Crackler has started to act up on both my main HTPC build and on a second very basic Kodi installation that I keep on a second computer for experimentation. Both are v16.1. The Crackler menu ope...

Mixed 65 Deutsch Channels HD-SD (06-12)

Live Streams, german, news, movies, sports, entertainment, documentary, kids channels, 12-06-2017 deutsch iptv m3u playlist for kodi, acestream, vlc player, simpletv, ott player: | Disney | Nickelodeon | Arte | RTL | RTL 2 | RTL Passion | Kika | FOX | VOX | National Geographic | ORF 1 | ORF 2 | ORF 3 | TNT […]

Kodi is genaric

Kodi will come up but after i click on it everything goes into plain jane stuff , the (movies,tv etc) list can someone plz help