Multiple web-server users and remote kodi as a source

Ok, so with the next release we have a pretty cool web ui (or before if you upgrade to chorus 2), where I can view the content of my library as and when I like wherever i like. With a little config one can even pass that through a proxy server and make it https secure: Cooler stil!

So what if i’d now like to be able to give my friends access to that…. If i give them my username and password they have various write functions that i might no want to give them.

So the possibility to add read only users would be quite handy, or link them to profile users that could also be read only…… Discuss

As a slightly more in depth use of the above, the ability for my other friends to add my kodi as a source (me having given them a read only user and pass as above), this is effectively similar to many of the plug ins that take video from a website anyway… Discuss

We get into all sorts of P2P, copywrite and bandwidth hogging issues here… but maybe try to consider whether this is a cool feature you’d like for yourself before taking that view