Subtitles in .mkv files, 3D or not : problem ?

Hello all,

I’ve got strange things with subtitles in .mkv files : it looks like a random operation, it will be ok or not.

When I switch on subtitles, they very often will not been displayed on the screen. I have to stop the movie, and then start it again, then it will often be ok (…or not…).

All my files are .mkv files, with subtitles included. No external files, and off course, I’ve checked those subtitles are not “on picture” : they aren’t, when I try using another player, I can switch off subtitles and everything’s fine.

In addition, playing a 3D SBS file, I’ve got two problems :
– subtitles are displayed twice, on both sides of pictures, while the 3D itself is ok
– even if I deactivate subtitles, they’re still displayed.

Here is a sample I’ve made as short as possible (it contains the “problem”) :…sample.mkv
and annoter one a bit longer, to let you change parameters without always having to pause :…sample.mkv

The movie contains two audio tracks (ENG, FRE) and two subtitles (ENG, FRE). Try to activate subtitle, then switch it off : they’re still there.

And, always, subtitles are displayed twice, on center of the right side and on center of the left side.

Thank you for your help, your tests…