No automount on kodi session

A long time a go I used to run kodibuntu on my media center, but due to work it remained in a dusty corner for some go months.

Now I’m in the process of updating it and instead of the deprecated kodibuntu I’m installing lubuntu+kodi (keep in mind I’m no linux expert, but comfortable with the CLI).

I was already able to:

– install lubuntu
– configure my nvidia card
– configure sound
– configure network and ssh
– install kodi
– Austo start kodi with lightdm

But not that I want to copy my external backup I’m stuck. Even though my external usb drive auto mounts and works flawlessly under the normal lubuntu sessions, once the PC auto starts the kodi session, connect via ssh, and connect the USB drive, the auto mounts doesn’t work, neither the drive shows at /media/<user>/<label> or is displayed as a source in kodi.

The stranger part is that when a unplug the drive a notification popsup in kodi with a eject successful message.

Am I missing a step? any ideias on how to fix this? or can anyone point to a step-by-step on how to replicate a kodibuntu like installation?