Button behaviour kodi v17 rc PVR / WMC

Hi everyone,

Firstly, I’d just like to say thank you to all the devs for the Addons and kodi itself. You put in a great deal of work and I never forget this. Thank you again.

I have Windows 8.1 running kodi v17 beta (6 or 7, I can’t remember!). I use kodi primarily for watching my media collection. In conjunction with this, I also have Windows media center for live TV (freeview – I’m in the uk). I’ve been running this setup for the last 5 or 6 years.
I have a harmony remote which makes life easier for my wife, one touch turns on TV, amp, and pc. Windows resumes from sleep, wmc auto loads, there’s a shortcut for kodi within wmc. Wmc exits when loading kodi, and loads back up when exiting kodi. Event ghost keeps everything in check so if there are any crashes or anything out of the norm, wmc loads back up and is completely fool proof in the event I am not home so my wife can crack on without calling me and cursing my new for not having ‘a normal tv’.
Melloware’s Intelliremote is all mapped out so the harmony remote can be used effortlessly between both kodi and wmc so both applications functions can be utilised using the same key presses.

However, one thing I have not been able to do is get a steady pvr setup within kodi. Until now that is. I use dvbviewer as a backend on the same machine, and the latest beta of kodi 17 is by far and away the best pvr experience kodi has ever produced (thank you!). It’s stable. See, that is where wmc has been so hard to beat, it’s stable, and has a really good interface – it just works!

But I am sick of running two applications and all the behind the scenes applications to make sure the two play nicely together. I am beginning to attempt to phase out wmc from my machine and make kodi the be all and end all applications.

One thing is stopping me though, and it seems so simple but I cannot figure it out which is frustrating because I’ve managed to overcome everything else I’ve mentioned above but this, I struggle. Button behaviour.

I want the pvr/live tv/epg screens to behave exactly as they do in Wmc, namely up and down bring up the mini epg at the button of the screen, and any subsequent up or down presses scroll through the mini epg respectively. Also. left and right also brings up the mini epg and whilst up, any subsequent left or right presses scroll back or forward in the mini epg, and ‘ok’ selects whatever channel the mini epg is on and starts playing said channel.
As opposed to left and right skipping time which just seems foreign to me.

I know this must be possible, but how?

As I said, I am very thankful for all the hard work and I hate to ask but I cannot find anything that will help me that has already been posted on these forums or any where else for that matter.

Any help is much appreciated, and also… Sorry for the long post Smile
