How to build Debug configuration with debugging symbols?

I followed the instructions here to obtain a Visual Studio Solution:
HOW-TO:Compile_Kodi_for_Windows (wiki) and ran BuildSetup.bat to create the solution.

The solution is created and does compile.
One note here: 4 projects are always out-of-date because the tag files: export-files, generate_json_header, generate_shaders, and pack-skins are never created. There must be bugs in the associated cmake files.

I was suprised to note that the creation of pdb files is disabled in all but the Release configuration.
Most notably, it’s disabled in the Debug configuration, which makes that configuration entirely pointless, IMHO.

I didn’t find either Kodi.pdb nor any vc140.pdb files that might contain the debugging symbols for kodi.exe.
As a result, I cannot use breakpoints to debug kodi.

How do you debug kodi interactively?