I’m trying to assign a custom video playlist as background on one menu item… but it always display the widget one…
Im sure it works at one moment…
I have found this which seems normal: .kodi\userdata\addon_data\script.skinshortcuts\skin.arctic.zephyr.properties
['mainmenu', '31002', 'widgetaspect', u'Poster'],
['mainmenu', '31002', 'background', u'playlistBackground'],
['mainmenu', '31002', 'backgroundName', u'(Video Playlist) TV Shows to watch'],
['mainmenu', '31002', 'backgroundPlaylist', u'special://profile/playlists/video/TVShowsToWatch.xsp'],
['mainmenu', '31002', 'backgroundPlaylistName', u'(Video Playlist) TV Shows to watch'],
['mainmenu', '31002', 'widget', u'Library'],
['mainmenu', '31002', 'widgetName', u'In progress TV shows'],
['mainmenu', '31002', 'widgetType', u'tvshows'],
['mainmenu', '31002', 'widgetTarget', u'videos'],
['mainmenu', '31002', 'widgetPath', u'library://video/inprogressshows.xml/'],
['mainmenu', '31002', 'icon', 'special://skin/extras/icons/tvshows.png']
A little help will be great!