Virtual Controllers through JSON-RPC

Hi there,

first I want to thank garbear and all developers for working on game branch! Nice job. Hope it stays in v18 branch!

I have a feature sugesstion: Sometimes if friends visit you, you would like to play a multiplayer game, but you have just a limited amount of controllers. In this case it would be nice, if you can use available smartphones as a virtual controller/gamepad.

Therefore my suggestion:
Please provide an option to add virtual controllers by kodis JSON-RPC API.

A virtual controller should be configurable the same way as a common controller, since they can emulate different layouts and a player could prefer a specific key assignment.
I hope this is possible?

Maybe a few questions regarding this feature:

  • Will a virtual controller through JSON-RPC suitable, since there might be a delay for the requests?
  • Is it in general possible to redirect virtual controller from RPC to the libretro input system?
  • What do you think about this idea? Or am I the only one interested in it?