Ability to display pictures when browsing Files for Videos

Many of my videos have associated screenshots. When I browse Videos/Files though, Kodi ignores all picture file types and shows only video files.

I would really like the option of displaying pictures too when browsing for videos.

A collection of screenshots shows you the contents of a video much more conveniently than fast-forwarding through the video.

– At the most basic level, I’d like to have a switch in Settings/Media/Videos for “Show images in video files view.”

– Additionally, I would like to be able to “play” an image file in that view to display that image and (optionally) start a slide show of all images in that folder.

– For library TV episodes or movies, it would be very nice to have a context option to “display gallery of associated screenshots”. The default location for associated screenshots could be a folder named the same as the video file, and/or, if the video file has its own folder, a subfolder named pics/.