RK3328 STBs: 4K, HDR, 10Bit, USB3, Widewine L1 and Microsoft PlayReady

Hi guys,

just read at CNX-Software about the upcoming Media Centers based on the RockChip RK3328 and the specs are awesome.

The most interesting parts are

  • HDR (perhaps even Dolby Vision)
  • USB 3.0
  • Gbit LAN
  • Widewine L1 (DRM: Amazon Instant Video and Netflix)
  • Microsoft PlayReady (DRM: must-have for Netflix 4K)
  • Android 7.1 (if not LibreELEC)

There must be a reason that I don’t see anything from LibreELEC team or other developers for RockChip devices, but this one has simply perfect specs. You can check out the full news at above mentioned link.

May I ask the Kodi and Android and LibreELEC developers why RK devices don’t get much attention here? LibreELEC would be awesome for such a box.

The DRM support is the most interesting part here. With Microsoft PlayReady support and the new InputStream feature of Kodi Krypton it should be possible to get at least Netflix 1080p working in kodi, because the PlayReady DRM is part of the Microsoft Edge Browser, which is the only one supporting Netflix 1080p.

Would love to read some thoughts from some developers here Smile