Resume from last position


Long time ago I found out that the resume from last position doesn’t work anymore.
I rarely use Kodi nowadays, but this time I decided to give it a go, and installed it on my android nexus tablet to watch a couple of movies during the flight.
So I had to stop watching for a while, even pressed the stop button, and then had to start from the beginning and use a very unfriendly seeking to find my last position.

I’m not really trying to offend anyone, but I can’t understand – what’s the purpose of these numerous new releases, while such a BASIC option like ‘resume from where i stopped’ doesn’t work out of the box?
Do you plan to make Kodi a geek-only tool? then I guess you must remove pre-compiled binaries, compiling a release is a great ‘phun’!

Do I miss something? Not talking about non-working scraping on both my Nexus Players.

One the one side we have Plex with an awesome UI, incredible scraping and absolutely stupid and useless playback scheme.
On the otherside – Kodi that I used to love so much years ago, which now has a very doubtful skins, and non-working basic features.

Luckly I had VLC Player installed, which did all the job.