Remove Genre information from playback screen

Thank you for the great new skin. I am just trying Krypton out this week, and Estuary is a huge step forward. Now on to the feedback, specifically feedback about genres.

Movie genres are highly subjective, and, especially when genre information is pulled from public databases, movies are often categorized very poorly at best and plain incorrectly at worst. While it’s probably OK to display the “genre” somewhere on the Information screen, it definitely does not belong on the main screen when the movie is playing. See below.

[Image: iGwTYW6.jpg]

We really don’t need the skin telling us that somebody out there believes that Star Wars is an “adventure” movie, especially during playback. What’s an adventure anyway? It’s not a video game, it’s a movie. And I think Star Wars is a love story anyway. Or a tragedy. You get the idea.

Please discuss.

P.S. On other hand, I think that being able to see the release year is great. I often had to pause the movie and fish for that information in the menus before. Now it’s right there.