[Q] Sharing Youtube videos using IOS remote

Hi all fine folks,

I am currently using LibreElec (7.x) on my chromebox…
I also have Kore remote app on my Android phone, which is working fine.
I really love the feature to share a youtube video from my mobile to the Kodi.
This is working pretty much fine (a few misses too, but leave that aside for now).
Using share option, I can share the video with my Kodi appliance.

I want to share this feature with my wife, who has iPhone 6s on IOS 10.3.
I downloaded the official Kodi remote on her phone last night, and added our Kodi box to the list.
However, for the life of me, I cannot find the Kodi remote in her sharing menu.

What am I doing incorrectly ?
Thanks in advance.