Use original video resolution [Solved]

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to find if something is possible and I haven’t found any answers on the forum yet.
What I want is for video playback to show up as the original resolution (so not only original ratio).
For example: When I have a 1920×1080 screen and I want to watch a 720p (1280×720) video, I want it to show as 1280×720, not as a zoomed in 1920×1080 video.
So what I want is black bars not only above and below the video, but also left and right if needed. So the video resolution will remain the same.
Manually adjusting Kodi in windowed mode is too much of a hassle and I never know if I am exactly at the right resolution.

Is there any way to achieve this?

Thanks in advance!

Solved: While viewing a video (so not in the main menu), go to settings and set the zoom settings.