Deinterlacing: SPMC (DVDPlayer) vs. Krypton (VideoPlayer)

I can see quite severe differences when I compare interlaced video on SPMC and Kodi/Leia. I am attaching a sample (MPEG-2 video @ 576i) with a ticker at the top left [Download]. I am playing it on my Sony TV running Android TV Lollipop 5.1.1 via AMC.

SPMC: ticker is properly deinterlaced throughout the sample but resolution seems low
Krypton/Leia: higher resolution, but ticker is not always deinterlaced properly (sometimes falls back to Weave in the area of the ticker)

Can people with Sony see the same? Since apps don’t have any control over deinterlacing and stuff, how can there be a difference between apps decoding via MediaCodec?