[Request] Daisuki.net add-on

I’d like to request an add-on for Daisuki.net, a free (official) anime streaming site.

I took a look at the site’s source and with my basic knowledge of html it looked to be well structured and named code, which should make parsing it easier.
One possible pitfall might be that the site uses a flash player, although it seems a lot of variables are accessible through the vars.

The site has 360p and 480p playback if the user’s not logged in and with a free account you get 720p and 1080p.
Subtitles are softcoded, which in combination with the flash player might be an issue.

While I would be satisfied with a basic listing and watching, a profile also gives the user a play history and a favorites list.

Does anyone feel like creating such an add-on, if it’s deemed to be possible?

Thanks in advance.