Updated Kodibuntu to latest, kodi won’t install

Well, this was a failure of grand proportions.

Upgrade went well, can boot OS, but there is no kodi. When I try to reinstall it, I get this:

ivan@BORG-KODI:~$ sudo apt install kodi kodi-bin kodi-data
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
kodi-bin : Depends: libgnutls26 (>= 2.12.17-0) but it is not installable
            Depends: libmysqlclient18 (>= 5.5.24+dfsg-1) but it is not installable
            Depends: libpcrecpp0 (>= 7.7) but it is not installable
            Depends: libtag1c2a (>= 1.9.1) but it is not going to be installed
            Depends: libtinyxml2.6.2 but it is not installable

What the hell? What happened there? Update went from 14.04.1 to 16 something. lsb_release -a still shows v14. Baka Ubuntu.
Damn Linux.