Playing videos without restarting Kodi

First, I loved XBMC. Now I have upgraded to Kodi 17 for Windows 8 and love it even more than XBMC.

Second, I apologize if the following questions have been answered but I have searched everywhere and can’t find the answers.

I am trying to do 2 things:

1. When I am watching a video and press Stop, how do I start it playing again? I don’t mean Pause and Play but actually stopping it and restarting it from the beginning. I can’t find any button or setting to let me do it. I always have to exit Kodi and relaunch the video.

2. As above, when I stop a video how do I play a new one without exiting Kodi and restarting? For example, in Windows Explorer I click on a video and Kodi plays it. But, if I stop that video and click another one in Windows Explorer it won’t play. I have to exit Kodi and then click the video to play it.

Any help will be appreciated.