Looking for Remote Setup Help

I’m building a new smaller and hopefully more quiet, HTPC and thinking of trying LINUX MINT I think it’s called.

I tried Ubuntu a while back, installed and KODI ran fine, but after a day or so of trying to figure out the remote, I gave up, reinstalled Win7 and was able to watch TV again. I don’t have cable or anything so, without my HTPC running, I’m outta luck TV wise.

Since a new PC, before I swap my drives over from the old PC I figured I can put an old 40GB in and play with Linux a bit.

What I’m hoping for, is if anyone can share some good links or Youtube vids for ‘slow‘ people when it comes to Linux/Kodi and setting up an iR remote.

I have a Sony remote (signature has the model) and EventGhost now. I don’t plan on buying another remote, or using my cell phone to control my TV. I have an HP iR receiver, but have been looking a lot at the flirc streacom which plugs into the onboard USB for power and into the onboard power switch header to turn on the PC. Says Linux compatible. Figured in the case I want, with the mesh front, I can affix it inside the front bezel. Maybe cut out a bit of the air filter on the inside.

I’d like to be able to turn on the system, boot straight into KODI and use my Sony remote like I do now with EventGhost.

Anyone know of any good step-by-step links for absolute beginners? Thanks