CEC keymap on RPi

Hi there,

I am new to this forum and also to Kodi so excuse me in advance for my mistakes!

I just installed LibreELEC/Kodi on my RPi 3 and the truth is that it worked fine without almost any configuration. Even the remote of my Samsumg TV (UE43J5500) worked straight away via HDMI-CEC. However, the key association is “weird” or let’s say that “it can be improved”.
For instance, the “info” key on the remote is not passed to the RPi and is always handled by the TV. I installed the “Keymap editor” add-on to try to solve this but it didn’t worked either. The add-on waits 5-secs for the keypress but the key is never passed to Kodi (it’s the TV who “answers” to that keypress every time). Same happens to other keys like “guide” or “menu”…

So my question is this: Can these be done or there are certain keys that are “reserved” by the TV and can’t be assigned?

Any help will be highly appretiated! Thanks!