CodecInfo vs. PlayerProcessInfo

Hey guys and gals,

I am wondering what is going on with the CodecInfo Action in Kodi 17…

When i press ‘o’, it no longer displays the Codec, Resolution, Zoom and Playback info

I figured maybe yet another undocumented change was made to the Keymap.xml so looking at the source, CodecInfo has been removed from <FullscreenVideo> and been replaced by PlayerProcessInfo.

<o>CodecInfo</o> is now only in <FullscreenGame>

I know the skin i am currently using is now completely done with the Kodi 17 changes so i switched to Estuary and when pressing ‘o’ in there, you get the DialogPlayerProcessInfo.xml but it doesn’t display any info at all… This is with the Default Kodi skin!

PlayerDebug (ctrl-shift-o) displays a little bit of the info we used to get in Kodi 16 with the ‘o’ key but is missing the stuff i am looking for.

Adding <o>CodecInfo</o> to my Keymap.xml didn’t work in overwriting what it does. It still shows the DialogPlayerProcessInfo.xml

Is CodecInfo still supposed to work?

If so, why isn’t it working when adding it to my Keymap.xml?

If not, why was it removed or replaced with PlayerDebug which shows way less pertinent info?
