Android Stick Problem

Hi, I am a not very ‘tech savvie’ grandmother who is having problems loading Kodi onto an Android TV Stick, I hope someone out there can help? I already have one Android Stick which I loaded with Kodi last year and am extremely happy with. However, this week I purchased another similar stick, and tried to do the same. Unfortunately, Kodi 17 (from my internet searches) seems to require Android 5.0 and above. I now realise the stick I am using is Android 4.2. My other stick seems to be working on Kodi 14.2 Helix. I have tried to find and download this file/app without success. Does anyone out there have any idea how to do this? If they do hints and tips in ‘English’ (not tech language) would be most helpful, perhaps even a simple step by step instruction.
I Look forward to hearing from anyone who can help.