Help…I know I shouldn’t have but I did

I was running Kodi 16 on my Windows 10 and was customized for my use. Everything was working fine. I have a harmony 650 remote that I was able to use the Kodi on my TV. I had customized the menu bar to only show me things I wanted…for example, English Movies, Hindi Movies, Home videos by kid. I do not have PVR, TV or anything. Very simple install if you ask me. It was all beautiful.

Then I decided to do a bonehead move. I upgraded to 16.1 after fully backing up Kodi install via the Backup add-on. I upgraded cause I was having one problem…couldn’t add a video add-on. It kept crashing. I realized it was because I was using old Aeon Nox skin and should probably upgrade to latest kodi 16.1.

The upgrade happened smoothly but I lost all my customization of menu, my harmony remote doesn’t work. I tried to restore from backup and the movies loaded but the menu is all messed up.

So I did another bonehead move (one isn’t enough you know), I deleted the entire 16.1 install and wiped everything off. Reinstalled 16.0 and restored the back up….nothing is same anymore.

Arggggghhhh…It will take me time to reconfigure the menu and get harmony working again(via Flirc)…is there any hope to bring back my old setup via the backup I did? I thought I did a full backup…of everything.

Help appreciated.