PlexBMC integration request

Tgx So far awesome job with making PlexBMC working with Krypton I used it, and your skin for quite a while now, Not sure how hard it would be, and not sure if it on your side or the addon side.

Most has to do with customizing the PlexBMC options on the main menu.
I have tried this on my PC, AFTV2, and Nvidia Shield.

If I go to change the Thumbnail, or background in the PlexBMC items I can only brouse and choose from local disk. I do not have the option to choose from a previously defined source. I tend to keep the files I use across the house on an NFS share so it’s easy to update.

Also is there a way to arrange the Plex items in an order you want like.

Both of these work as described in the Main menu settings.

Is there a way to have the background pull the art from the particular plex library selected?