Whole House Design Service?

I believe that Kodi can replace cable boxes, DVD players, and overtake OTT boxes such as AppleTV and Roku. I’m thinking of a business model that could get Kodi into more homes and businesses quicker, and I want to bounce this idea off of the members and participants here.

Kodi is currently designed for single screen application. Box sellers target one screen at a time, and users start out thinking Kodi is to be used one room at a time. In order to scale this to cover the entire home, you would need a comprehensive computer network to account for all of the additional components (hardwired and WiFi). Additional ports on your switches (and possible multiple switches) will be necessary for Ethernet connectivity, and WiFi propagation ans signal strength considerations are necessary for wireless devices.

For the inexperienced, this can be a daunting task, and may prevent many users from diving into Kodi beyond their single room application. What if there was a ready service that could help these people in building a network for their entire home for the purpose of installing a Kodi backbone?

A series of pointed, simple to answer questions would yield a plug-and-play design that would allow the user to order a full complement of equipment without missing necessary components or labor resources would be real!

Is this a valuable idea to you?