Problem with alphabetical order and tagging?

Hey guys,

I’m using Openelec with Kodi 16.1 on a Pi as a mediaplayer for my music collection. Now I finally had the time to tag all my music data with MusicBrainz Picard, using the default settings (ID3v2.3, keep all tags, etc).
When loading it into the Kodi library, I’m confronted with the following problem:
When browsing the library by artists, some artists don’t have an entry, their albums are instead put under their first alphabetical appearance. I hope the following example explains what I mean by that:

These are some entrys from my library:

  • A$ap Rocky <- this is where all albums by A$ap Rocky are, so everything’s fine with this entry
  • A$ap Rocky feat. Drake <- all Albums I tagged by Drake are put here, that’s definetly not fine Wink
  • Drake <- here are two mixtapes that I didn’t tag, because they were not in the musicbrainz database
  • Drake feat. Rihanna <- that’s where all my Rihanna albums I tagged are put (i don’t have a separate entry for “Rihanna”)

So again: the albums of the artists are put under the first time they appear in alphabetical order. I have one song by A$ap Rocky that features Drake, so all Drake albums i tagged are put under “A$ap Rocky feat. Drake”, that’s the first time Drake appears in the alphabetical order. The ones I didn’t tag are put in their correct order under “Drake”, because they don’t have the MusicBrainz information, only the artist “Drake”.
So did I make a mistake when i tagged them? I checked all the ALBUMARTIST & ALBUMARTISTS & co using Mp3Tag, but didn’t find anything suspicious.
I actually thought that Kodi uses the albumartists to order the albums and not the individual song artistsHuh
“fetch additional information during lookups”, “Use universal artist and album scraper” and “include artists who appear only on compilations” are all disabled in the Kodi settings.

I hope you can understand what i just wrote, I’m a newbie when it comes to Kodi or MusicBrainz and I just spend 2 hour googling without any success Big Grin

Greetings & thanks