XMLTV (EPG) doesn’t work

Hello, my name is Alex and I’m from Germany. I’m new to the Kodi world so I had to and still have to learn a lot of things.

So far I really do like Kodi, but I want to get a Program Guide on Kodi 17.0 on my Windows 7. So I’ve installed the IPTV Simple Client to put a XMLTV URL (I’ve tried alot of different url’s) in the EPG-Settings on the Addon. But everytime I restard Kodi and go to TV –> Guide (EPG) it only shows me a blank page. I’ve tried to find a solution through Google, YouTube, German Kodi Forums etc. but nobody has the same issue as mine. I’ve even tried the same thing on the “TV Guide” Addon at “Kodi Add-on repository”, it just gives me an error. As I’ve mentioned, I tried a lot of different XML files that should work but for some reason they don’t. I even tried to download it as a file (.ini file) and then put it to the EPG-Settings through my Local Drive, but it won’t work either.
By the way I don’t have a .m3u list at the moment, because I don’t want to buy one yet if the EPG don’t even work, it makes me warily about the whole thing. As I’ve said I’m really new to this and I really don’t know what to do now.

I mean is there any other Addon for Kodi that just shows the shedules of (German) TV channels? That’s the only thing I want. What am I doing wrong?

I didn’t get an answer at a german kodi forum, so I’m trying it here. I’m sorry for my bad english.
I hope you guys can help me.