problem importing large library on Android

for the past few days I have been trying to import my library of TV Shows and Movies off of my NAS

I run Windows on my Desktop and have an
Android 6 box with 2gig ram 8gig primary and a 32gig microsd running Kodi 17 Fresh install from the Play Store

No additional addons are installed.

My Windows Computer seems to import most if not all of my shows its updating right now.

My Android Box seems to be failing at 286 TV Series I didn’t count how many episodes probably thousands

My Movies seem to import without problem there are about 2000 of them

On the NAS I created an account just for the Recorded TV

The storage of files is like such


/Movies/Comedy/Ace Ventura Pet Detective-2015-09-06 1409.mp4

(this movie imports fine it is the DVR record date not the movie release date)


/TVShows/Flying Wild Alaska/Flying Wild Alaska – 1×07 – Deep Freeze.mp4

The TV Show is following normal naming conventions and was renamed using FileBot

On the Computer I believe all of the directories are present

On the android box
if i click on TV Shows in the menu it shows 191
if I go to AtoZ it shows 259
if I go into Library / Manage Sources/ Videos and click TVShows share it shows 286

On the Windows Computer
if i click on TV Shows in the menu it shows 339
if I go to AtoZ it shows 445
if I go into Library / Manage Sources/ Videos and click TVShows share it shows 495

My Actual Directories for TV Shows is 495
so neither of them are picking up everything but the windows computer does better

Something seems to be choking

The windows computer does much better..
Both are on Gigabit Wired on the same switch as the NAS

Don’t know if Android is timing out
Don’t know if I am having a memory/storage problem (turned off fanart)

I have tried many times refreshing and searching for new content

I am still recording shows from my Ceton DVR so the Library is only going to get bigger
Probably not Twice as big as I have been recording for years to get to this point
but I expect to add a good amount in the future

Are there any limits on the Android distribution?

Where do I look to find out what is choking?

Also I know some of my folders and files are not renamed correctly … but even some of the ones not named correctly will show up as series with 0/0

Thanks in advance