kodi-wiiremote not working

I recently upgraded one of my box to kodi 17 (ubuntu 16.04) from eden (Ubuntu 12.04). and I cant seem to get my wiimote working

I installed kodi using the following commands

sudo apt install kodi kodi-eventsclient-wiiremote

everything installs perfectly fine.

I have kodi auto start up using lightdm

sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/10-kodi.conf

contents are:


I have the kodi-wiiremote start up in my /etc/rc.local file

kodi-wiiremote --disable-mouseemulation --disable-nunchuck &

So i’m able to pair the wiimote and the system below are logs i saw from my terminal. The eventsclient is able to see me connect and disconnect the wiimote

Disabled WiiRemote mouse emulation
Successfully connected a WiiRemote
Successfully disconnected a WiiRemote
Successfully connected a WiiRemote

The problem is that even though the wiimote is paired, i cant control the interface.

Looking for a keymap.xml looks like v17 doesnt have an xml for the wiimote anymore i downloaded the following XML

I tried adding the xml to both folders ~/.kodi/userdata/keymaps and /usr/share/kodi/system/keymap and still no dice

Is the wiiremote still even supported?
