Changing library location

Jarvis 16.1, on Win 10

I want to move all my music files from their current location to my brand new Synology SAN. I would rather not delete the current music source, and re-add it with the new location, and have to re-scrape everything. Searches here seem to indicate:

Export library to single XML file -> search & replace paths in text editor -> import library. Clean library to remove duplicates

(actually that procedure was for a video library, but I’m guessing/hoping it is applicable to the music library, as well)

If I do it that way, I won’t need to edit source paths, right? And I won’t have to wait a few hours for the Kodi to re-scrape everything?

Any hints appreciated. I will be doing my video library next, but that has currently 4 different sources, that I will be combining into 1. One thing at a time …