Library for all devices

I know this has been asked before but most posts are around 3 years old so I’m looking for some fresh ideas. I have multiple home devices running Kodi. My shares are in a system running nfs via USB. My question is how can I better manage the library across all my devices? I use ember media manager to generate a XML in Kodi format and on my main device I have scrapers that I’m assuming are bumping from the XML because sometimes when I scan for new movies the scraper gets the movie title and the images wrong. Once I use ember it seems to update the move title and applies the artwork fine. I don’t have a home SQL database but I do have a vps which I was using until I ran into data corruption and had to reinstall. For some reason Kodi can’t access it but I’m able to login fine on Windows using the web panel and create database. I also use NFO watch state updater that works great for marking watched files when I have to remake the library. Any suggestions on better managing my library?