Kodi 17.1 – option “delete file” in context menu is missing


I have checked many posts in the forum but found no satisfying answer to the above problem. I have set up my system (Kodi 17.1 on Fire TV with Android 5.x) with all the right options (allow file deletion, etc.), everythings runs fine.

I have my movies on a SMB-share on the NAS, I can play the movies and can also delete them from Kodi context menue under Settings > Media.

BUT this is makes deleting a movie an uncomfortable process, especially for my wife how does not want (and should not 🙂 go into any settings menues and navigate herself through submenues and so on.

I’ve read in posts that until Kodi 16.1, deleting a file was also possible through the normal context menu of the movie itself directly within the library. Now there is only the option “remove from library” left.

Is this a bug in Kodi 17 or can this be implemented again?

Thanks for your help,