Need help with kore remote after ”shutdown”

I have a rasberry pi 2, model b, v 1.1 kodi box that my dad gave me. I’m using the KORE remote on my galaxy s4. I used the shutdown system feature on the remote the other night now I can’t get the box to connect to my phone, or even start back up. I’ve tried the wake up box feature with the remote, it doesn’t work. It just says connecting, or message sent to box. The box is plugged in to my tv. I use a wireless Wi-Fi, dsl connection. I am not knowledgeable with the latest boxes. I have an old xbmc box with gotham , it has went to pot. It was easy, this is not for me. How do I get the box to wake up and reconnect with Wi-Fi, and my kore remote? Forgive me for being ignorant,I’ve searched and attempted learn about how these boxes work, but it seems I can spend days on in reading, but not learning anything because the terminology is so vague to me. Thank you.