Complete Uninstall of Kodi So it Can be Reinstalled

I decided to upgrade to 17.1 from 16.1. I uninstalled 16.1 and was hoping to install a fresh 17.1 on my Windows 10 PC. After installing 17.1, it still had things from my other version. So, I decided to try and get rid of them and help with adding new addons. Now I’ve messed it all up and just want to start from scratch like I did in the first place. I really liked the 16.1 and I do not care for the 17.1. If I could go back to 16.1 with the updates etc., I would have just stayed with it. What do I have to do to get Kodi completely out of my system and start from scratch? I guess I’m looking for an install, not an upgrade. I’ve had Kodi for 6 months so somethings are still new. I hope this is enough information. Thank you for any and all help.