HDMI wake up on TV input changes

Hey, I have an issue that is common with 2 graphic cards. I have an HTPC connect via HDMI to LG TV with Nvidia GTX 1060. Previously I was on Raddeon HD 5x.

When I boot my computer on the right TV input, all is fine. If I swap my TV input quickly from one to another all is fine.

If I let my computer lay down for a while come back, open my TV or switch inputs, screen stays black. Nothing I can do (keyboard press keys, lircd remote keys, etc) it stays black. BUT, if I reboot my PC, the kodi shutdown plymouth is waking up my TV (I can see the screen when the computer is shutting down) and everything shows on TV after.

Is there a way I can send a wake up call to my TV so I could hook it up on a remote button for exemple?

I tried to put my TV edid in my xorg config and still doing it. (Creating_and_using_edid.bin_via_xorg.conf (wiki))
It is very hard to debug since I don’t know when it happens and how long I need to wait for it, it is kind of random.

Before my computer was plugged into a AV Receiver and I had kind of the same bug, but switching back and forth between different inputs was kind of fixing the problems. Now that it is directly into TV, nothing I can do else than reboot

Kodibuntu is based on Lubuntu 14.04LTS