Very, very slow loading of items to watch

I have used KODI on a Raspberry Pi a couple of years now.
Ever since upgrading to KODI 17 (actually I set it up fresh using the OSMC operating system), I have been annoyed by the extremely slow start of all Internet viewing.
When using the CBSN Add-on one gets a list of topics to view, these are clips of a few minutes to 10-15 min depending on the story. Most are short.
In previous KODI versions (like 16) the playback started within seconds of hitting the OK button.
Now it takes 25-30 seconds with a LOADING… message showing before anything starts playing! Sad

Imagine viewing clips that last a minute or so and continue on the next clip item what a 30 sec pause in between does to the experience!

Is there some setting I can adjust (like the size of buffering) to make things go quicker?
If so, where do I find it?

My home is on a 250 Mbit/s Internet fiber connection so even buffering a lot should not take upwards of half a minute!

What can I do (except going back to KODI 16)?