Windows10 shares: operation not permitted

Hi I have some folders of mi windows 10 PC shared on my network.
I need username password protection for these folders because my mother is also on the network and sometimes my brother visiting my mother also and I do not want them to see what I have shared.
With windows PC ‘s there is no problem because I added the users that are allowed access to those shares to those PC’s .
Also with Kodi on a windows PC I had no problems.

However now I switched to an android box with KODI16.
I see the workgroup in my filemanager in KODI and I can browse to the PC’s in the workgroup.

  • For one PC when I browse to it I get a username password and the I can see the shared folder. But when i try to browse to the shared folder again the username popup appears but when I enter the password the authorisation popup keeps appearing.
  • For the other PC when I browse to it I do not even get t a username password popup. I just get “operation not permitted ” and the only option is press OK

I assume this has something to do with the fact that KODI on android is some kind of Linux like OS?. But I have no clue how to get this working.
I have read some advise where it is mentioned to turn on sharing for everyone, but that is not an option for meFrown.

I have no real linux experience and now I am a bit lost. Any help getting this solver would be great!

Some strange phenomena:
I installed the “network browser” and there I can browse to the folders when I add the IP en log-in of my own PC..
and then when I select one film it plays. But when I stop that and go back to android the next film does not play.
Until I close KODI .
Then the next file is played as normal but only for one file;S