Can’t stream certain .ISO files

I’m struggling to stream certain .ISO files using Minix Neo U1 loaded with KODI. The ISO are DVD.

When I attempt to use my old Western Digitial Media Player, it plays fine.

When I attempt to use VLC via my Windows 10 machine it plays with no problem.

The first thought I had was a network issue but a quick play with shows I get a 35MB/S download speed. I didn’t consider pinging to attempt to look for packet loses because the same set up works with the WD media player, so I don’t think it’s a network issue, although I won’t rule it out

Some times, the Kodi GUI doesn’t do anything when I attempt to play the .ISO. I hear a sound so I know it’s received the command to play the file, but the GUI does nothing. Sometimes I get a prompt stating “One or more files failed to play. Check the log for more information about this message.”

I’ve failed here – I believe the logs are enabled but I can’t see where they are stored…

Any pointers would be appreciated!