Another remote question.

I have a a RPI and KODI works.

As it is only a 2B(+?) I am not flogging it too hard. But I am stuck with the remote control part of things.

It is connected to a network and I can control it from my phone via the NETWORK.

There is a bluetooth option and I finally found a bluetooth dongle.

Plugged it in, “activated it” and………

There are no apps I can find for my phone (Android) for BLUETOOTH XBMC REMOTE.
Sure there are ones which are listed with “BLUETOOTH REMOTE FOR XBMC” but they are all wifi, or generic IR remotes for other devices.

I am using KORE to control XMBC for now, but as I said, that is via the network.
I can’t find any bluetooth options in it, so it is moot.

Sorry folks, but am I missing the elephant somewhere?

Help appreciated.