Remove some tabs from below “Videos”

I’m not even sure I’m using the right terminology, so bear with me 🙂

I’m new to using the Library functions and only started because I need to share resume marks, etc., among Kodi instances. I really don’t want to see so many new tabs that suddenly appeared under “Videos” when I fired up the Library (TV Shows, Movies, Library, Files, Addons….). I’m used to only Files and Addons and especially on a small tablet screen, that’s quite enough for me.

But I can see there’s probably no way around at least 4 (TV Shows, Movies, Files, Addons). “Library” just brings up too much stuff that I don’t want/need. Is there a way to edit Confluence so that you can decide what tabs show up under a particular heading when you mouseover? Or maybe a better approach would be to get rid of “TV Shows” and “Movies” and trim down the “Library” entries to just show the entries from “TV Shows” and “Movies”?

Just trying to keep it simple…..