Look for Shows/Movies alphabetically

Hi, I run a Krypton version of Kodi on a windows 7 HTPC using the Aeon Nox skin. Looks wonderful and works great. One issue however, I have around 250 TV Series and over 1000 Movies, These are displayed using the “Shift” view option. I know it is possible to jump through the list of titles one letter at a time, but the way to do so is not easy to understand, and my wife keeps struggling with it.

I have a fully programmable universal remote control, which I can set up with a virtual alphabetical keyboard, which would allow my wife to press “G” to get to Greys Anatomy as an example. However, I have not been able to find a good way of doing this. Has anyone been able to do so? I am thinking that either it should be possible to directly jump to G, but this would require that there is some support in the skin or in an addon perhaps?

Otherwise I could make a macro on the remote control with a defined set of key presses corresponding to each letter of the alphabet. The macro programming on the remote I can do, but the problem I run into is that I have not been able to find a ‘fixed’ position on the menu system which would give me a known constant starting position for a macro which would move up/down/left/right (or also back/enter). Since pressing up/down circles around, rather than stopping on a given menu line, I cannot get this to work.

I would appreciate any suggestions and commentsBig Grin