***Do Not add Theatrical Serials***

“***Do Not add Theatrical Serials***”. Does anyone recognize the statement between the quotation marks (the statement is an exact representation, including capitalization, of what appears in every instance) . On an irregular basis when I go to scan a serial series of videos (TV serials etc.) this statement will pop-up and I can’t scan anything to that source until I can get the statement to disappear. It seems to occur if I change scraper settings. If I change things back to the way they were this condition seems to persist. If I fiddle with the scraper settings, trying all possible settings etc, I can usually get it to go away and then things seem to be O.K. …until next time. My problem is I don’t know where it comes from and except for a very broad hunch that its tied to the scraper settings, I don’t really know what makes it go away. It would be really nice to know this info as everytime it happens it turns into a whole evenings worth of frustration until I somehow stumble onto the solution. Thanks in advance for any help here.