Bloody love my Pi…

Ya know?

I was just thinking earlier, you know.. it happens now and again.. :-p
of how lucky I/we are to have such an awesome system as Kodi.

I’ve umm’d and ahh’d on and off for ages about whether to buy the (debatably) king of the android crop, shieldTV…

but when it comes down to it.. 4k or not… h265 (or not…), or even thinking back to the numerous PCs I’ve used over time for Kodi, the original xbox as well.. it just makes me realise what an awesome accomplishment and lucky twist of fate it is to have something so small, unassuming, but fantastically robust as the Pi in use.

It’s so reliable…. and even when it’s not? .. 20 seconds reboot and you’re laughing again. No power switch, just plog the cable, re-plog, it’s so convenient.

Other systems do interest me don’t get me wrong.. to have an box running AndroidTV with that lovely new Kodi integration (on the main AndroidTV UI) is appealing.. as would be having that lovely shield remote to voice commands as easy as ‘play some music’ etc. or any given artist etc.. but I love my Pi box for the fact that it’s so small, adaptable to different OS’s, and absolutely silent.

I never really anticipated using it full-time until my PC gave up the ghost.. but now that’s happened… I’m not sure I could go back to a fan running all the time.

I love this box.

Thanks for all the hard work and ingenuity Kodi team. Even if every man and his dog has decided to sell rigged up boxes on ebay the world over.. for me I don’t see that when I think of the name Kodi. (i avoid mainstream reoprting anyways…) :-p –I think of this forum, the helpful people and the ingenuity.

Thanks all.