Mixed music / video playlist (combining YouTube and music sources)

Hey there,

I’m currently using Kodi v17.3 on ArchLinux and Raspbian and I’d like to create a playlist from YouTube and Spotify because some music is apparently exclusive to one of these platforms, respectively. The Spotify plugin from marcelveldt is working fine and I can create a simple playlist within Kodi or just use a pre-existing playlist from Spotify. With the official YouTube plugin I can easily play videos from a pre-existing playlist or YouTube search. But I can’t put YouTube videos in a Kodi playlist and if I put them in the queue, the video is not working – which is not absolutely necessary, but more or less misses the point of YouTube – and any music from Spotify or a local source in the queue won’t be played, throwing an error. According to the official wiki, music videos should be available to both video and music playlists, but I can’t figure out how to get Kodi to recognize YouTube videos as music videos – a .strm file doesn’t count, apparently. Kodi is a great piece of software, but there’s so much information available that it’s hard to navigate and it’s rather time-consuming to try everything I find on Google. Any directions are very much appreciated…

Thanks in advance!